The latest from our blog

Frenissa Mae, Neonatal Nurse, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals, NHS TrustNew Normal Nursing

Alicia Donovan, Enhanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (ENNP) University of Plymouth Hospital, England

Tanya Bishop, Neonatal Care Team Manager, Nova Scotia, CanadaWorking as a healthcare manager during COVID-19

Reflections from South Africa
NkomoI feel depressed, oppressed, exhausted and with a questionable...

Izabela Andrzejewska, Senior Nurse, Chelsea and Westminster HospitalBEHIND THE PANDEMIC DOORS OF THE...

Rhian Hughes, Clinical Education Lead, NICU, Birmingham Women’s Hospital, UK
My Split personalities...

Heather Murphy, Northern IrelandCOVID-19 and the impact of temporary Neonatal Unit Closure
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Journal Newsletter
Our annual NNA conference will take place in Derby, on November 5th, 2024, with a half...
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In this final issue of 2023, the NNA Trustees and the COINN Board would jointly like...
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In this October edition of the Journal of Neonatal Nursing, we feature an article from the...
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In this August edition of the Journal of Neonatal Nursing, we feature another parent story......
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In this April edition of the journal for 2023, we feature the second reflection of a...
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In this first edition of the journal for 2023, we feature a reflection from Kelly, parent...
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