NNA Neonatal Nurse of the Year Award.
The Neonatal Nurse of the Year award will be awarded to an inspirational neonatal nurse who has made an extraordinary difference to the lives of their colleagues, the babies in their care or to families.
This is a prestigious award that has great impact for the nurse winner, the wider team and the babies and families in their care. It is a great opportunity for you to show a nurse your appreciation and recognise their incredible efforts.
2023 Finalists
Lindsay Freeman
Senior Staff Nurse, Leighton Hospital Neonatal unit
Lindsay Freeman
has worked tirelessly to ensure that FICare is central to the work of the unit, which has become FICare accredited. Lindsay has worked to ensure the entire multidisciplinary team are trained and supported to provide FICare to families. Lindsay’s outstanding efforts have positively affected families, ensuring they are supported partners in care. Lindsay is a true role model and an exceptional nurse.
Toni Starr
Neonatal Sister,
Toni Starr
retired in 2023 and showed incredible dedication and commitment to neonatal nursing. Toni understood the concept of perinatal teamworking and shared ownership of QI goals. Toni used her skills in data, QI and understanding of evidence-based medicine for perinatal optimisation. She was a founding member of neoPremQI and never swerved from her lifelong goal to offer the very best care to babies and their families.
Nikki Farrington
Family bereavement nurse specialist, New Cross NICU
The NNA is delighted to name Nikki Farrington
as our Neonatal Nurse of the Year, 2023. Nikki has worked tirelessly to promote multidisciplinary and multi-agency working to provide all families with optimal bereavement and palliative care. The impact Nikki has made through supporting colleagues to deliver care to these babies and families in clear.
Current & Previous winners
Nikki Farrington
Neonatal Nurse of the Year Award winner 2023
Nikki Farrington
Neonatal Nurse of the Year Award winner 2023
Jo Bennett
Neonatal Nurse of the Year Award winner 2022
Jo Bennett
Neonatal Nurse of the Year Award winner 2022
I wanted to put the award money to best use for families and, with the current cost of living crisis, help alleviate some of the pressures whilst they have a baby on the neonatal unit.
I purchased a good stock of £40 Tesco vouchers to be given to parents to help with food, nappies, baby clothes etc. I also made up some emergency toiletry packs. These are for parents who might be staying in the parent accommodation but do not have access to their own toiletries. Lastly, I purchased a stand and new bedding for the Moses basket which is used when a baby has died.
Angela Hughes
Neonatal Nurse of the Year Award winner 2021
Angela Hughes
Neonatal Nurse of the Year Award winner 2021
I was humbled to have been nominated as NNA nurse of the year 2021 and honoured to accept the award on behalf of the entire team.
The NNA prize money will play a vital role in enabling a simulation programme to develop and enhance clinical skills and facilitate the recruitment and retention of neonatal staff in our trust.
NNA Neonatal Nurse of the year award 2024
Inclusion criteria must reflect the following:
Development or leadership of…….
- A project or initiative to encourage a supportive work environment
- Encouraging multidisciplinary working and communication
- An innovation that has made a positive difference to practice
- A project or initiative to disseminate learning and promote implementation
Awards information
TERMS: All nominees will be invited to attend the NNA annual conference where the winners will be announced. Nominees will need to pay for their ticket to attend. Shortlisted nominees will receive a funded ticket. Nominees can either apply personally or be nominated by their colleagues / babies' families. An individual can be nominated for all awards in the same year. All nomination forms must include a rationale behind why the nominee(s) should win the award. All nominations will be reviewed by three or more NNA board members according to the criteria set for each award. The 3 highest scoring nominees will be shortlisted. The winner will be selected by the NNA board. Their decision is final. The winners will be announced and awarded at the NNA annual conference and will be asked to write an article on their achievements for the Journal of Neonatal Nursing or to write a blog for the Neonatal Nurses blog. To share initiatives and best practice the winners will also feature in the NNA annual review, social media posts, newsletter and on the NNA website. All shortlisted nominees will receive a certificate to acknowledge their great work. Winners will also receive NNA membership for one year.
NNA Neonatal team of the year award
This award will acknowledge a neonatal team and their incredible efforts, even during incredibly challenging times, to improve the neonatal experience for colleagues, babies, and families.
This prestigious award has a great impact on the winning team and the babies and families in their care. It is a great opportunity for you to show a neonatal team your appreciation and recognise their incredible efforts.
2023 Finalists
Cassie Rogers and Bex Clarke
Plymouth (Derriford)
Cassie Rogers and Bex Clarke
Well-Being Wednesday Team
NICU Liverpool Women’s Hospital
The Well-being Wednesday Team
Neonatal MDT - University Hospital Wishaw NNU
University Hospital Wishaw NNU
The NNA is delighted to name Wishaw Neonatal Unit
Current & Previous winners
Neonatal MDT - University Hospital Wishaw NNU
Neonatal Team of the Year winner 2023
Neonatal MDT - University Hospital Wishaw NNU
Neonatal Team of the Year winner 2023
We are all extremely proud of the team for receiving this prestigious national award. It has been a challenging few years but the team have continued to offer care and support to babies and their families and this award recognises their hard work and dedication.
Cheryl Clark, Chief Midwife, Maternity and Neonatal Services
North West ODN Workforce and Education Team
Neonatal Team of the Year winner 2022
North West ODN Workforce and Education Team
Neonatal Nurse of the Year Award Winner 2022
This award was given in recognition of the impact this team had in delivering the Neonatal Induction Programme, the first element of the NW pathway to QiS, in the recruitment and retention of nurses new to neonatal care since 2002 and their commitment above and beyond to convert to virtual learning during the C19 pandemic.
NNA Neonatal team of the year award 2024
Inclusion criteria must reflect the following:
Development or leadership of…….
- Encouraging multidisciplinary working and communication
- A project or initiative to encourage a supportive work environment
- An innovation that has made a positive difference to practice
- A project or initiative to disseminate learning and promote implementation
Awards information
TERMS: All nominees will be invited to attend the NNA annual conference where the winners will be announced. Nominees will need to pay for their ticket to attend. Shortlisted nominees will receive a funded ticket. Nominees can either apply personally or be nominated by their colleagues / babies' families. An individual can be nominated for all awards in the same year. All nomination forms must include a rationale behind why the nominee(s) should win the award. All nominations will be reviewed by three or more NNA board members according to the criteria set for each award. The 3 highest scoring nominees will be shortlisted. The winner will be selected by the NNA board. Their decision is final. The winners will be announced and awarded at the NNA annual conference and will be asked to write an article on their achievements for the Journal of Neonatal Nursing or to write a blog for the Neonatal Nurses blog. To share initiatives and best practice the winners will also feature in the NNA annual review, social media posts, newsletter and on the NNA website. All shortlisted nominees will receive a certificate to acknowledge their great work. Winners will also receive NNA membership for one year.
NNA practice development award
This award will acknowledge an individual or team and their incredible efforts, even during incredibly challenging times, to improve the neonatal experience for colleagues, babies, and families.
2023 Finalists
Maureen O’Dowd and Diane Chalkright
Royal Jubilee Maternity Hospital
The NNA is delighted to name Maureen O’Dowd and Diane Chalkright
as winners of our Practice Development Award 2023. Maureen & Diane have created regional teaching days for neonatal nurses across Northern Ireland to standardise care and practice. In conjunction with a trainee doctor they have developed and taught on inter-professional simulation training days. An inter-professional learning platform, called NeoSim, was developed to share educational videos that could be accessed by all neonatal staff, midwives and students. This resource shares best practice and supports further learning for regional inter-professional training and provides opportunity across trust partnerships; ensuring continuity of care for parents and babies as they move across neonatal units during their neonatal journey in Northern Ireland.
Jess Talbert
South West Neonatal Network
Jess Talbert
has developed an education platform for all professionals within the South West who work within or are allied to, the speciality of neonatal care. The platform holds learning opportunities for staff and a comprehensive neonatal foundation programme for all new nursing staff joining a neonatal unit or transitional care service within the South West. Jess has worked hard to develop this system to aid practice development and standards of care across the South West network. Her dedication is inspirational.
Current & Previous winners
Maureen O’Dowd and Diane Chalkright - Royal Jubilee Maternity Hospital
Practice Improvement Award winners 2023
The NNA is delighted to name Maureen O’Dowd and Diane Chalkright
Practice Improvement Award winners 2023
Maureen & Diane have created regional teaching days for neonatal nurses across Northern Ireland to standardise care and practice. In conjunction with a trainee doctor they have developed and taught on inter-professional simulation training days. An inter-professional learning platform, called NeoSim, was developed to share educational videos that could be accessed by all neonatal staff, midwives and students.
Transitional Care Nursery Nurses, Kirkcaldy Hospital
Practice Improvement Award winners 2022
Transitional Care Nursery Nurses, Kirkcaldy Hospital
Practice Improvement Award Winners 2022
On receiving the award, the nursery nurse team are delighted that we have been recognised for our hard, but fulfilling work within the transitional care area, and this has encouraged us to continue to support our patients, work with other departments and reflect on our care and practice. We have been busy liaising with neonatal teams across Scotland after our profile was raised through winning your practice improvement award.
The team at Wishaw General have been featured on a TV documentary “Tiny Lives” and we been sharing ideas and information to further improve our practice including swaddle bathing and noise reduction to lower stress levels. A decision is yet to be made for the prize money as we are determined to spend this with maximum benefit for our Fife families, and its lovely to have this available to use.
NNA practice development award 2024
Inclusion criteria must reflect the following:
Development or leadership of…….
- A project or initiative for practice/skills improvement
- An innovation that has made a positive difference to practice
- A project or initiative to disseminate learning and promote implementation
Awards information
TERMS: All nominees will be invited to attend the NNA annual conference where the winners will be announced. Nominees will need to pay for their ticket to attend. Shortlisted nominees will receive a funded ticket. Nominees can either apply personally or be nominated by their colleagues / babies' families. An individual can be nominated for all awards in the same year. All nomination forms must include a rationale behind why the nominee(s) should win the award. All nominations will be reviewed by three or more NNA board members according to the criteria set for each award. The 3 highest scoring nominees will be shortlisted. The winner will be selected by the NNA board. Their decision is final. The winners will be announced and awarded at the NNA annual conference and will be asked to write an article on their achievements for the Journal of Neonatal Nursing or to write a blog for the Neonatal Nurses blog. To share initiatives and best practice the winners will also feature in the NNA annual review, social media posts, newsletter and on the NNA website. All shortlisted nominees will receive a certificate to acknowledge their great work. Winners will also receive NNA membership for one year.
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