About the FICare SIG
Our brand new Family Integrated Care SIG is launching soon!
Meet our chair below or scroll down to register your interest and be the first to find out when the group launches.
You can also apply for one of the lead roles within the group: Lead for Developmental Care and Lead for Family Engagement. Fill in this Expressions of Interest form to register your interest.
Meet our Chair
Meet our Chair
Our Chair is Ailie Hodgson, Care Coordinator for the Northern Neonatal Network (NNN).
Ailie Hodgson
I am a Care Coordinator for the Northern Neonatal Network (NNN) and I support units from across the North East & North Cumbria. I work closely with our Parent Advisory Group (PAG) to ensure that their experiences help to improve care and that resources and work streams are co-produced.
A Neonatal and Paediatric Occupational Therapist (OT) by background, I set up the first neonatal OT provision in the NNN on a Level 3 Tertiary Unit, and joined the NNA as an Allied Health Professional Member. I teach Family Integrated Care (FICare), developmental care & Unicef BFI standards throughout the NNN, in order to promote better outcomes for babies and families.
Receiving an NNA Travel Scholarship in 2021 enabled me to visit Swedish gold standard neonatal units, which has given me insight into what fully embedded FICare looks like, and what we should be striving for within the UK. I am very excited to be undertaking this role with the NNA, to contribute towards achieving high standards of evidence based care at a national level.
Meet our group leads
Amanda Smith
Amanda Smith
I am the Neonatal Infant Feeding Coordinator for Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, which includes Luton and Dunstable Hospital's NICU and Bedford Hospital's SCBU (Meadowbank). I support the two units in embedding the neonatal BFI standards and with specialist lactation and infant feeding input; and I work closely with families, nursing and medical staff, and AHPs.
I am a children's nurse, having worked on paediatric wards and in the community supporting children with complex health needs, although over a decade of my nursing career have been in neonatal care. I trained and volunteered in breastfeeding peer support two years into my nursing career, ultimately sitting the exam to become an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) as it felt imperitive that the families within neonatal care had access to an infant feeding specialist familiar with their journey. I further specialised in Neonatal Homecare where I supported establishment of home NGT programmes and later led on the development and integration of a home phototherapy service, am a trained restrictive lingual frenulum (tongue tie) practitioner, and have worked as a neonatal network's Infant Feeding Advisor to ten neonatal units to support those feeding leads in their roles. I am also on the Board of Trustees for the Lactation Consultants of Great Britain (LCGB), where I am the Neonatal Lead and work with members and non-members to provide rigorous education for those delivering breastfeeding and lactation information and care to families.
It is wonderful to see the development of the FICare SIG, and I look forward to the NNA providing this space for us to share best practice, quality improvement work, ideas, and passion for such an essential and rewarding aspect of neonatal care.
Liba Mason
Libuse (Liba) Mason
I have been working as a neonatal nurse for over 15 years in a local neonatal unit, a surgical neonatal intensive care unit and neonatal transport. I am passionate about developmental care (DC) and family-centred care and also have an interest in research. I gained DC knowledge and skills through the FINE (Family and Infant Neurodevelopmental Education) programme (level 1, 2 and 3) which empowered and enabled me to lead various DC projects. They included interactive sessions for staff, infant positioning audits in conjunction with the neonatal physiotherapist, and writing DC guidelines, all of which led to consistent improvements. My current project focuses on implementing kangaroo care during inter-hospital transport. I also regularly co-facilitate, with neonatal therapists, DC interactive sessions for the Qualified In Speciality course for nurses at a local university. I advocate for individualising care based on reading infant cues and building a positive working relationship with the parents, by listening to them and supporting them to do as much for their baby as they are ready to. I believe that including parents in the care of their babies is fundamental to a less stressful neonatal experience for the parents, their babies and also neonatal staff.
Karen Williams
Karen Williams
Karen commenced in post as Parent and Family Engagement Lead for the Yorkshire and Humber ODN in August 2021. She has a wealth of experience in Parent and Family Engagement and service improvement. She has been involved in neonatal service improvement since 2008 following her own lived experience of the birth of her daughter at 30+6 weeks in 2007. She held the position of Chair for the Greater Manchester Parent Advisory group in 2012.
Karen worked for Bliss from 2013 until 2019 during which time she established a volunteer network across the Yorkshire and Humber Region, supported the implementation of FiCare and lead on the Bliss Baby Charter with neonatal units across Yorkshire and the Humber and North West ODN’s.
In her current role as Parent and Family Engagement Lead Karen, leads on parent engagement and co-production across the ODN at a network and unit level. She is working closely with the Neonatal Care Coordinators to further embed Family Integrated Care, support units to meaningfully engage with a diverse group of parents and to ensure that all parents have a voice and are able to co-produce neonatal services with neonatal staff across the region.
Lisa Baker
Lisa Baker
My name is Lisa Baker, I’m a Ward Manager on a Level 2 Special Care Baby Unit in South Wales and I’ve been in this role since 2020.
My role is predominately non-clinical, based on the ward and I like being visable and accessible to the team. I also enjoy being able to see the families in our care progress through to discharge. I have a passion for Family Integrated Care and have seen first hand the positive impact even a small change can make on a families experience.
Putting the family at the heart of the care provided and supporting them to feel empowered can improve outcomes for both baby and parents. Through continual engagement with families post discharge we know that FiCare has the power to change the narrative of their neonatal stay for years to come.
I love seeing our multi-disciplinary team working together to implement FiCAre, the ripples of change can reach far and wide!
Every day is different and I love the challenges that my role brings along with the pride in knowing I can support quality improvements that will help the families in our care.
Register your interest
Register your interest to be the first to find out when our Family Integrated Care SIG launches.