About LEaRN
We aim to develop and provide a national network for healthcare professionals working in neonatal care* with a particular interest and focus on education and research. The integral link between education and research is central to the aim of the group.
To promote membership/awareness of the Neonatal Nurses Association, its work and to work together with them to raise the profile of neonatal care addressing common and recent issues that arise nationally.
Our chair Katie Gallagher will disseminate agendas, minutes, documents for comments and arrange meeting dates and venues/links. The group does not receive any funding and members should discuss and agree support for meeting attendance with their own place of work.
* may include nurses, midwives, medics, speech and language therapists, dieticians, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, nursery nurses, play specialists, HCAs and any other member of the multi-disciplinary neonatal team
Meet our chair
Katie Gallagher is the Chair for the LEaRN Group.
Our objectives
- Discussing current and common issues on neonatal education and research
- Sharing ideas, innovations and projects in order to learn from each other
- Sharing expertise and support for anyone undertaking education or research projects in neonatal care
- Fostering and supporting multi-centre interdisciplinary collaboration in neonatal education and research
- Raising the profile of neonatal education and research nationally
Our activities
- To meet at least twice a year – online or venues across the UK
- To liaise between face-to-face/online meetings via email communication
- To feedback meeting discussions and minutes to the Neonatal Nurses Association (NNA) Executive
- To disseminate topical, current issues and discussion points
- To raise the profile of nursing research & education by presence/representation at relevant conferences and meetings
- To link via the Members Area of the NNA webpage as a means of dissemination and further networking
Join this group
As a member of the NNA you can join this Special interest group and access recorded events in the Members Area.
To read our principles of engagement for members engaging with our SIGs, please click here.