About the PhD Support Group
Are you a nurse undertaking or thinking about a PhD – join this group for support and opportunities to share, learn & benefit from group talks and mock interviews.
Meet our chair
Katie Gallagher is the Chair for the group and will disseminate agendas, minutes, documents for comments and arrange meeting dates and venues/links. The group does not receive any funding and members should discuss and agree support for meeting attendance with their own place of work.
Meet our group leads
Colm Darby
Doctoral Fellow at Queens University Belfast and an Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Colm Darby
Organisation: Queens University Belfast and Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Role: Doctoral Fellow at Queens University Belfast and an Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Research/clinical background:
My name is Colm Darby and I work as an Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner within the Southern Health and Social Care Trust at Craigavon Area Hospital. I’ve worked at this neonatal unit for over 13 years and has been involved in various studies within this time. As an ANNP I was awarded the UK Neonatal Nurse of the Year in 2017 for my work on regional implementation of a hypoglycemia protocol which saw a decrease in neonatal admissions and increase breastfeeding practices across Northern Ireland. I am an advocate for the newborn infant and their families with a role as the Regional Lead for the Neonatal Nurses Association in Northern Ireland and Executive Board Member. I’ve developed my research career in the ANNP role through multiple publications, a UK consensus paper on LISA administration and vaccine hesitancy. I have recently begun my Doctoral Fellowship at Queens University Belfast after securing a fellowship award through the Public Health Agency to explore the prevalence of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in parents that have had babies admitted to neonatal units across Northern Ireland. This longitudinal study will explore risk factors and prevalence of PTSD through a mixed methods approach.
What can you offer to others right now?:
- Supervision MSc / PhD or Prof Doc / both
- Advice – happy to receive emails
- Networking opportunities
- Clinical mentorship (this isn’t a formal mentorship offer, I’m thinking along the lines of the NIHR clinical mentor support role)
Kathy Chant
Post doctoral research fellow
Kathy Chant
Organisation: University College London
Role: Post doctoral research fellow
Research/clinical background:
I am a post-doctoral research fellow and neonatal nurse at UCL/UCLH. My PhD was investigating the aetiology of hearing loss in children born prematurely. In my current role, I am currently working on the development of a core outcome set for neonatal palliative care and a Phase I trial of Surfactant Protein – D. I am also working on a study exploring intent to stay in neonatal nursing.
What can you offer to others right now?:
- Supervision MSc / PhD or Prof Doc / both
- Advice – happy to receive emails
- Networking opportunities
- Clinical mentorship (this isn’t a formal mentorship offer, I’m thinking along the lines of the NIHR clinical mentor support role)
Robyn Penman
Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner and Pre-Doctoral Research Fellow
Robyn Penman
Organisation: Newcastle Hospitals NHS Trust
Role: Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner and Pre-Doctoral Research Fellow
Research/clinical background:
Currently a Pre-Doctoral Fellow, main interests are neonatal nutrition, milk and improving breastfeeding rates in the North East of England. I particularly enjoy mixed methods research and I am aiming to apply for PhD award later this year. I also work for the charity Born on the Edge where I work in a team with the aim of improving neonatal outcomes in the low resource setting of Sub-Saharan Africa.
What can you offer to others right now?:
- Advice – happy to receive emails
- Networking opportunities
Polly Humphrey
Deputy Sister - Neonatal Critical Care Team/ NIHR Pre-Doctoral Clinical Academic Fellow.
Polly Humphrey
Organisation: Nottingham University Hospitals
Role: Deputy Sister - Neonatal Critical Care Team/ NIHR Pre-Doctoral Clinical Academic Fellow.
Research/clinical background:
(Very early career researcher)
Areas of interest; safe use of arterial lines, care of extremely preterm infants (e.g. management of 22-week infants as we come to care for them more frequently), the role of the neonatal nurse and impacts of this (e.g. emotional burnout).
Methods; (for MA dissertation) Qualitative focus, interest in interviews, ethnography, documentary analysis.
What can you offer to others right now?:
- Supervision MSc / PhD or Prof Doc / both
- Advice – happy to receive emails (Yes – support to those applying for PCAFs for example)
- Networking opportunities (Yes)
- Clinical mentorship (this isn’t a formal mentorship offer, I’m thinking along the lines of the NIHR clinical mentor support role)(Yes if experienced enough in a role of supporting PCAF or earlier in managing/adapting to clinical academic balance).
Joanne Cookson
Senior Neonatal Lecturer
Joanne Cookson
Organisation: Keele University
Role: Lead for neonatal education for the pre-registration midwifery and post registration neonatal courses facilitated through the University
Research/clinical background:
Jo qualified as a direct entry midwife and has spent most of her career working in neonatal intensive care. She holds a BSc in Women’s Health and a MA in Medical Ethics and Law. Jo has a keen interest in the growing complexities of ethical debates that are witnessed within the NICU environment.
Since joining Keele in 2010 initially as a lecturer practitioner, she has developed and leads a strong portfolio of neonatal education programmes that traverse pre- and post-registration. Jo is a senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Jo has recently worked collaboratively with an NHS consultant colleague to address and respond to an identified national requirement for perinatal post-mortem consent training. She has co led on the development of an e-learning resource that has been implemented as a mandatory component of training across many perinatal services within England and Wales.
She is currently leading on work around preparing student midwives for the emotional reality of healthcare, providing bespoke psychological defusing sessions following a critical incident in clinical practice.
Jo is also undertaking a part time Professional Doctorate with a focus on ‘The experiences and perceptions of the nursing workforce in caring for babies born at the edge of viability.’
What can you offer to others right now?:
- Advice – happy to receive emails
- Networking opportunities
Deanna Gibbs
Director of Clinical Research for Neonates and Children (N+AHP)
Deanna Gibbs
Organisation: Barts Health NHS Trust (+ visiting senior lecturer at Queen Mary University of London)
Role: To support clinical academic career development for nurses and allied professionals working in neonatal and children’s services.
Research / clinical background:
I am an occupational therapist and have worked predominantly in acute paediatric and neonatal settings in Australia, Ireland and the United Kingdom. I am a certified neonatal therapist and certified in neonatal touch and massage.
My doctoral work explored parenting occupations in neonatal intensive care settings. I am developing a post-doctoral research programme which is focusing on the influence of parent psychological well-being on engagement in caregiving and parent self-efficacy in the NICU.
I am a qualitative researcher and have used a range of methodologies including phenomenology, interpretive description and participatory action methods. I also have considerable experience in the completion of qualitative evidence synthesis.
I have supervised three PhD students and one MRes student to completion undertaking various studies related to neonatal care (either inpatient or post-discharge early intervention settings). These have included students undertaking grounded theory studies and mixed method approaches (including quantitative evaluation of a pilot intervention in the neonatal unit)
What can you offer to others right now?:
- Supervision MSc / PhD or Prof Doc / both
- Advice – happy to receive emails
- Networking opportunities
- Clinical mentorship (this isn’t a formal mentorship offer, I’m thinking along the lines of the NIHR clinical mentor support role)
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