An independent national organisation representing neonatal nurses and steered by neonatal nurses
The Neonatal Nurses Association was established in 1977 by Beryl Chadney, a senior nurse at the Department of Health. Beryl selected a small group of neonatal nurses from across the country to address the inadequacies within neonatal nursing at the time.
The Neonatal Nurses Association remains the national organisation representing neonatal nurses and steered by neonatal nurses, focused on promoting neonatal nursing for the benefit of premature and sick newborns and their families.
Our core aims
Our Vision
All neonatal nurses are supported to feel confident and valued in their roles to ensure all babies and their families experience optimal neonatal care.
Our Mission
We work to ensure every neonatal nurse is supported to be the best nurse they can be.
Our Values
We are open, inclusive, innovative, committed, and supportive.
Meet the team behind the NNA
Katie Gallagher
Chair of NNA LEaRN Group, Chair of the NNA PhD Support Group, NIHR Clinical Lecturer and Neonatal Nurse, University College, London, UK
Colm Darby
My name is Colm Darby and I work as an Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner within the Southern Health and Social Care Trust at Craigavon Area Hospital in Northern Ireland. I’ve worked at this neonatal unit for over 12 years and has been involved in various studies within this time. As an ANNP I was awarded the Neonatal Nurses Association UK Neonatal Nurse of the Year in 2017 for my work on regional implementation of a hypoglycemia protocol which saw a decrease in neonatal admissions and increase breastfeeding practices across Northern Ireland.
I am an advocate for the newborn infant and their families with a role as the Regional Lead for the Neonatal Nurses Association in Northern Ireland and Executive Board Member. I have recently begun the role of as an Associate Principle Investigator for SurfON trial, the first nurse to hold this position in Northern Ireland. I’ve developed my research career in the ANNP role through multiple publications, a UK consensus paper on LISA administration, vaccine hesitancy and I’m currently undertaking a PhD in understanding PTSD prevalence in parents during their neonatal journey in Northern Ireland.
Shahid Javed
Lucie Lewis
My name is Lucie Lewis, I am a Co-opted Trustee, and I work as an Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner for Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, and Neonatal Safety Support Lead for MatNeo SSP Cymru.
I have worked within the speciality of Neonates for the past 21 years and remain as enthusiastic about my nursing role as I did on the first day of my career.
I am passionate about improving the quality of care provided in maternity and neonatal services in Wales, and as part of a team published the MatNeo SSP Cymru Discovery Phase Report ‘Improving together for Wales’. This has enabled the team, alongside local safety champions embedded in each health board and the Welsh Ambulance Service Trust, to support improvement projects to deliver care for birthing people and babies across Wales.
I have recently taken on the role as Lead ANP for child health in Cardiff and Vale UHB and see my role as an enabler to support and implement career progression for ANNP’s, ANP’s and Neonatal Nurses.
Gemma Carter
Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in the Royal Jubilee Maternity Hospital Belfast. Gemma has over 2 decades of neonatal experience in the UK and Australia with much of her time as a Clinical Sister in the territory centre in Northern Ireland. Gemma has led on the implementation of multiple QIs and service development with a specialist interest in Perinatal Mortality.
Gemma has taken on the role as the Northern Ireland NNA lead with continued support from the Northern Ireland NNA Committee to ensure that members are supported locally and nationally.
Julia Petty
Elisa Lakhan-Hector
Kelly Harvey
NNA ANNP Lead, Senior Lead Nurse, Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, North West Neonatal ODN, National GIRFT Neonatal Nurse Advisor
Tendai Nziwara
Tendai Nziwara
Tendai Nzirawa FRCN, RN, RSCN, BSc, MSc
Maternity Clinical Improvement Lead
Health Innovation East
Fellow EoE CNO CMidO BME Strategy Advisory Group
East of England Neonatal Nurses Association Regional Lead
Chairperson of the PPLOG (Paediatric Pan London Oxygen Group).
Tendai has joined the board as Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Lead. She is passionate about improving patient care and making all services as safe as possible without compromising quality.
Tendai continues pushing for better in health care service delivery and leads various programmes in the East of England, one of them is reducing health inequalities within maternity and neonatal services & equality for all staff especially ethnic minorities, most deprived, disabilities and LGBTQ+. Finalist of the Looking Beyond programme: HRH The Prince of Wales Award for Integrated Approaches to Care: Nursing Times Awards 2021 and highly commended for the Gopi Menon BAPM Awards as part of the Addressing Inequalities BAPM Conference.
Recently Tendai has been working in collaboration with Consultant Obstetrician Dr Jasmine Leonce, Wendy Olayiwola BEM, FRCM, RN, RM. National Maternity Lead for Equality, Regional Maternity Team, Chief Midwife Wendy Matthews OBE, and maternity & neonatal colleagues working in hospitals & LMNS to develop and deliver a Maternity & Neonatal Ethnic Minority Band 5-7 6 months Leadership development programme. This was Shortlisted for Outstanding Achievement of the Year award in 2023 National BAME Health and Care Awards.
National committees
Our Special Interest Groups
The aim of these groups is to develop and provide a national network for neonatal healthcare professionals with a particular interest and focus to promote best practice and optimal care for neonates and their families.
Become a member of the NNA today
Come and join a growing community of neonatal nurses and feel supported, heard and valued!